We offer expert witness and consulting services in various subject areas of criminal, civil and administrative litigation.
Our services include, but are not limited to, the following areas of law enforcement practices:
- Law Enforcement Practices
- Civil Rights
- Detentions
- Arrests
- Search and Seizure
- Use of Force (Deadly and Non-Deadly Force Options), including;
- Firearms
- Carotid Restraint
- Baton (Impact Weapons)
- OC Spray
- Electronic Control Weapons
- Police Service Dogs (Canines, K9)
- Projectile Impact Weapons
- Arrest and Control Techniques, including;
- Handcuffing and Searching
- Control Holds
- Defensive Tactics, including;
- Personal Body Weapons
- Takedowns
- Officer Involved Shootings
- De-escalation Tactics
- Calls Involving Subjects With Mental Illness
- Excited Delirium Response
- In-Custody Deaths
- Emergency Vehicle Operations - Pursuit Driving
- Supervisory Issues
- Training Issues
- Policy and Procedures
If you do not see the specific area of law enforcement practices that best suits your case needs, please call us to determine if we can help you or refer you to an expert in that area.